Announcing the 2016 Quilted Postcard Challenge – 1 Million Miles!

Would you like to receive a quilted postcard?  Or do you know someone else that could use the small dose of cheer a personal card could give them?  In 2016 I want to track how far my quilted postcards are traveling. I invite you to join the fun!  Together, let’s see how long it will take to hit the 1 million mile mark!

How will it work?  Here is my part:

  • Every month I will announce a theme
  • I will send a postcard to everyone that requests it.  If the volume is too great, your name will be carried over to the next month

Here is your part (and I really need you to make this happen!):

  • If you want a postcard that month, let me know by the 15th. (That will give me the second half of the month to get postcards in the mail)
  • I would love to receive a quilted postcard from you, but that is not a requirement
  • We can also include the miles for postcards you send to someone else.  After all, it is the miles quilted postcards are travelling, not who is sending or receiving them (you would send me the name of the originating city, the destination and the number of miles)

The rules are simple.  To qualify as a quilted postcard it must consist of 3 layers (fabric front and back, with a stiff center), and it must have at least 2 stitches.  Otherwise, feel free to be creative.  You don`t necessarily have to be a quilter to make these.  The Flexi-Firm that I use as a stiffner is adhesive on both sides, and you can stitch through it by hand.  Feel free to review my previous posts on Quilted Postcards in 5 Easy Steps, and An Exercise in making Super-Simple Quilted postcards.  My only point of caution is not to use materials that are too thick (such as buttons) or loopy materials that could get caught in postal equipment.

All information such as names and addresses can be provided using the comment field.  This will not be posted or shared.

And now, the theme for January is the word TODAY

About Judy's Quilting Studio

Creator of all things quilted
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13 Responses to Announcing the 2016 Quilted Postcard Challenge – 1 Million Miles!

  1. Sheila says:

    What a fantastic idea , I will be watching to see where the postcards go . When I heal I will be happy to send you a card .

    • Watch for it the last week of January. I will post a picture of the card I made for the theme ‘TODAY’, and announce the theme for February. I will also post the destinations and total miles traveled. This will be fun!

  2. Kate says:

    I love your postcards. Did you know that Twitter is have an exhibit and sale of handmade post cards in New York City. Here is a link to the call for entries:

    • Thanks for the info! It’s a great idea. I am making January postcards this week and just might send them one. Not sure if it will be rejected since it is not done on paper as per their requirements. Have you or anyone you know submitted one in the past?

      • Kate says:

        I was considering making one. I was thinking of using a piece of cardstock on the back, to satisfy the paper requirement. I can fuse the card stock to my fast2fuse. Traditional artists have a problem with fiber artist. Not very creative on their part. I suspect the fabric ones will stand up better in the mail then the paper ones.

      • That’s a great idea! And I would love to see your card…

  3. Laurel says:

    Judy! I managed to create a January postcard yesterday! However:
    – I did NOT follow the rules,
    – it is inappropriate to give to anyone except me, and
    – if I mail it to myself, I don’t think it will add to your miles!

    It DID, though, get the creative juices flowing. February’s card will be far less challenging for me. I already have a handful of ideas.

  4. Laurel says:

    Hi Judy,
    You can add 514 miles to your tally! I made a “Hit the Road” postcard and mailed it!

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